pepagi ni aku takde mood nak carik contest....
jadik meh aku citer2 plaks pengalaman aku menang contest yg paling sampah...
ok citernyer camni... aku ada beli satu magazine ni... ala2 magazine kesihatan gitu...
pastu lam tu ader satu contest... penganjur contest tu one famous slimming ctr la...
aku sesajer lar masuk pasal time tu mmg aku tgh kemaruk join contest.... kira pantang nampak lar mesti aku nak masuk...
dah masuk tu lam baper minggu ader la aku dpt call ckp aku menang....
time tu syok lar dah menang ni... padahal menang adiah saguhati jer... muakakaka
around that time gaks aku ader menang 2-3 contest lain...
lagiiiiii lar eppy kan....
adiah aku menang tuk contest tu just voucher rm200 ngan satu slimming therapy session.....
sblom pegi tu aku call dulu tanyer.....
aku ckp bole tak kalu voucher rm200 tu aku nak beli brg utk facial punyer pasal aku tak minat sgt nak beli brg2 slimming ni.....
sbb time tu aku rasa aku takde lar gemuk sgt...
cuber kalu skang.... maybe aku borong terus kot brg2 diorg... muakakakaka
pastu time aku call tu diorg kater bolehhhhhh.....
aku pon pegila....
branch diorg tu kat taipan... sesaper pernah gi taipan tau lar cemaner susahnyer nak carik parking situ...
last2 aku bantai parking lam celah2 bangunan tu jer....
pastu sampai lar aku kat tempat tu.... org yg aku call tu pon sambut lar aku....
dier pon bawak aku masuk satu bilik nak suh aku tukar baju tuk therapy tu lar....
aku kater tak yah lar... aku tak de maser ni... aku nak beli brg jer.... therapy tu burn gitu pon aku tak kisah lar...
pastu dier wat kuar lar catalogue... aku pick lar brg tuk facial kan pasal maser aku call dier kater bole...
biler dier kuar nak gi amik brg tup2 supervisor dier kater tak leh lakkkkk...
dier kater pasal slimming contest kena beli brg tuk slimming gaks larrr....
ok fine... aku pon tgk2 brg tuk slimming... aku pon chose brg murah jer... about hundred something jer....
yg minah ni pon kuar lar nak gi amik...
tup2 supervisor dier kater tak leh brg tu... kena satu brand ni jer... brand yg aku pick tu tak leh....
aku dah panas dah sket..... aku pon go thru brg brand yg dier kater tu....
aku tgk lahabau tul... sumer mahal2... padan dier suh pilih yg tu jer...
aku tgk yg paling murah harga rm299.....
pk punyer pk takpe lar... aku amik yg tu jerla... tambah lagik rm99....
minah tu pon kuar lar lagi nak gi amik brg....
tup2 masuk balik bgtau brg tu dah abis stock.... dier kater kalu nak gaks brg yg aku pilih tu kena tunggu 2 minggu....
jadik dier suggest aku amik brg lain...
brg lain sah2 lar lagi mahal kan....
aku bengang giler time tu...
sbb nampak sgt diorg ni nak suh kiter blanjer byk2 kedai diorang...
voucher tu sajerrrrr jer tuk tarik customer....
aku pon bengang terus kater tak yah tak yah lar...
aku pon blahhhhh..... yg aku teramat menyesal pasal aku tak amik balik surat kater aku menang tu....
kalu aku amik sah2 aku gi komplen kat hq dier...
tp sbb aku bengang aku terlupa mintak balik...
dan yg wat aku lagi bengangggggg.... kete aku kena saman parkingggggg... uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
here i translate my previous post in English just in case some of the visitors don’t understand malay ok...
coz i saw some of those visitors from US.. Romania...turkey...
kalu korang2 tu paham abaikan jer okies...
so before other guys start cursing me... let me translate that post into universal language ok...
here i would like to share few tips for winning slogan...
i’m not a professional so if these tips don’t help u much, don’t point your finger at me ok...
1. first of course it has to sound nice.. pleasant... lovely... if you yourself have no guts to listen to it... how do you expect others??? Of course yours will end up in the waste bin....
Try to listen to it lots2 of times till it sounds nice to your ears...
But make sure your ears have a good taste... it’s no used if you said it sounds good but other people feels like making a suicide... so what’s important here don’t be too overconfident or too vain...
2. Three important elements;
i. brand name
ii. products/services
iii. prize
be as creative as you can with these 3 elements... if you can’t include them all... try to include two of those... if still cannot... you can add one element... but do remember here... we want ours to stand out from others...
Ok for example for the product... it doesn't have to be exactly the name of the product... maybe for cars you can use other words like ‘drive’... of if the winning prize is holiday to somewhere... you can use 'fly'...
make sure don’t use unpleasant or ghastly words.... be commonsensical....
I remember i found one website which listed down all the related words to products/services... but sorry can’t memorize the link... it’s been a long time since i last join the contest.... but sure you can find it through search engine..... if there’s a will there’s a way rite...
additional tips;
for a lovely sound slogan... sure it has to be rhythmatic (do we have this words?? ahahaha)
or the phrases should have similar sound for the last words...
for english... there are search engines to find the words with similar rhyme...
don’t ask me where... find it yourself... don’t expect me to spoonfeed everything... ehehehe
ok.. if i remember other tips that i can share surely i’ll post it here...
but once again i would like to emphasize here that i’m not a professional... still learning oso..
coz i saw some of those visitors from US.. Romania...turkey...
kalu korang2 tu paham abaikan jer okies...
so before other guys start cursing me... let me translate that post into universal language ok...
here i would like to share few tips for winning slogan...
i’m not a professional so if these tips don’t help u much, don’t point your finger at me ok...
1. first of course it has to sound nice.. pleasant... lovely... if you yourself have no guts to listen to it... how do you expect others??? Of course yours will end up in the waste bin....
Try to listen to it lots2 of times till it sounds nice to your ears...
But make sure your ears have a good taste... it’s no used if you said it sounds good but other people feels like making a suicide... so what’s important here don’t be too overconfident or too vain...
2. Three important elements;
i. brand name
ii. products/services
iii. prize
be as creative as you can with these 3 elements... if you can’t include them all... try to include two of those... if still cannot... you can add one element... but do remember here... we want ours to stand out from others...
Ok for example for the product... it doesn't have to be exactly the name of the product... maybe for cars you can use other words like ‘drive’... of if the winning prize is holiday to somewhere... you can use 'fly'...
make sure don’t use unpleasant or ghastly words.... be commonsensical....
I remember i found one website which listed down all the related words to products/services... but sorry can’t memorize the link... it’s been a long time since i last join the contest.... but sure you can find it through search engine..... if there’s a will there’s a way rite...
additional tips;
for a lovely sound slogan... sure it has to be rhythmatic (do we have this words?? ahahaha)
or the phrases should have similar sound for the last words...
for english... there are search engines to find the words with similar rhyme...
don’t ask me where... find it yourself... don’t expect me to spoonfeed everything... ehehehe
ok.. if i remember other tips that i can share surely i’ll post it here...
but once again i would like to emphasize here that i’m not a professional... still learning oso..
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
haaaa tajuk cam menarik kan....
tp aku bukan nak kasi tips aper pon....
aku nak kasi tips tuk newbie jer....
dah byk tempat aku bacer...
easy contest hard to win...
difficult or cerewet contest easier to win... easier tu takde lar easy sgt... it depends gaks on how you classify the contest as difficult...
ramai org rasa kalu contest yg ada slogan tu cerewet...
tp tu lar salah satu cara kiter tuk differentiate ourself from others....
easy contest tu macam minom air kotak pastu hantar cebisan tepi kotak tu.. isi form hantar...
korang toksah lar taruh harapan menggunung sgt kalu takat anta 10 form...
jgn lar perasan bagus konon aku dah anta banyakkkkkk... sepulohhhhh...
org lain anta beratus... beribuuuu...
biasernyer easy contest ni org yg join tu dah pro...
diorg willing to invest lots of money in order to gain a bigger prize...
kalu korang sanggup nak invest byk2 silakan larrr....
cam aku lagi rela duk melangguk carik idea tuk slogan... free... guna otak jer... ehehehe
tp aku bukan nak kasi tips aper pon....
aku nak kasi tips tuk newbie jer....
dah byk tempat aku bacer...
easy contest hard to win...
difficult or cerewet contest easier to win... easier tu takde lar easy sgt... it depends gaks on how you classify the contest as difficult...
ramai org rasa kalu contest yg ada slogan tu cerewet...
tp tu lar salah satu cara kiter tuk differentiate ourself from others....
easy contest tu macam minom air kotak pastu hantar cebisan tepi kotak tu.. isi form hantar...
korang toksah lar taruh harapan menggunung sgt kalu takat anta 10 form...
jgn lar perasan bagus konon aku dah anta banyakkkkkk... sepulohhhhh...
org lain anta beratus... beribuuuu...
biasernyer easy contest ni org yg join tu dah pro...
diorg willing to invest lots of money in order to gain a bigger prize...
kalu korang sanggup nak invest byk2 silakan larrr....
cam aku lagi rela duk melangguk carik idea tuk slogan... free... guna otak jer... ehehehe
ok... ni aku nak share few tips for winning slogan...
tak leh lar share byk2 pasal aku bukan terer sgt pon....
1. first of course it has to sound nice.. pleasant... lovely... ye lar kalu bunyik pon buruk korang sendirik tak sanggup nak dgr... sah2 awal2 dah masuk tong...
korang ulang lar byk2 kali sampai sedap bunyik kat tinger korang...
tp make sure tinger korang has a gud taste... jgn korang jer rasa best org lain rasa cam nak terjun lombong... jd yg penting jgn perasan bagus okies...
2. 3 important elements;
i. brand name
ii. product
iii. prize
be as creative as you can with these 3 elements. kalu tak leh masuk tiga2 korang masukkan 2 jer... kalu tak leh sangat masuk satu pon tak pe... tapi kurang kick la....
contohnya kalu product.... it doesn't have to be exactly the name of the product... macam kalu kereta korang bole masukkan perkataan 'drive' ker... kalu winning prize dier pegi melancong ke holiday ker korang bole guna 'fly'...
make sure words korang pilih pon jgn la buruk2.... nak relate those elements pon agak2 la... jgn main bantai sumer korang nak sumbat... ikot logik la....
aku ingat ader satu website yg list down perkataan2 yg related to products.... tp bukan aku tak nak kasi... aku luper link tu... ye lar aku pon dah lamer tak masuk contest... pepandai lar carik sendirik.... dimana ada usaha di situ ada jln kan... ahahahaha
additional tips laks;
tuk slogan tu bunyik sedap... mestila ala2 pantun kan...
kalu pantun mesti ujung2 bunyik samer rite...
kalau in english... ader search engine tuk carik words yg ujung bunyik samer...
kat maner??? ader ati nak tanyer aku... byk cantik nak makan suap sumer... carik sendirik... ehehehe
ok nanti kalu aku ader ingat2 aper2 tips yg bley share aku ckp okies...
tp lagi skali nak ckp... aku ni bukan professional... masih lagik tgh blaja...
tak leh lar share byk2 pasal aku bukan terer sgt pon....
1. first of course it has to sound nice.. pleasant... lovely... ye lar kalu bunyik pon buruk korang sendirik tak sanggup nak dgr... sah2 awal2 dah masuk tong...
korang ulang lar byk2 kali sampai sedap bunyik kat tinger korang...
tp make sure tinger korang has a gud taste... jgn korang jer rasa best org lain rasa cam nak terjun lombong... jd yg penting jgn perasan bagus okies...
2. 3 important elements;
i. brand name
ii. product
iii. prize
be as creative as you can with these 3 elements. kalu tak leh masuk tiga2 korang masukkan 2 jer... kalu tak leh sangat masuk satu pon tak pe... tapi kurang kick la....
contohnya kalu product.... it doesn't have to be exactly the name of the product... macam kalu kereta korang bole masukkan perkataan 'drive' ker... kalu winning prize dier pegi melancong ke holiday ker korang bole guna 'fly'...
make sure words korang pilih pon jgn la buruk2.... nak relate those elements pon agak2 la... jgn main bantai sumer korang nak sumbat... ikot logik la....
aku ingat ader satu website yg list down perkataan2 yg related to products.... tp bukan aku tak nak kasi... aku luper link tu... ye lar aku pon dah lamer tak masuk contest... pepandai lar carik sendirik.... dimana ada usaha di situ ada jln kan... ahahahaha
additional tips laks;
tuk slogan tu bunyik sedap... mestila ala2 pantun kan...
kalu pantun mesti ujung2 bunyik samer rite...
kalau in english... ader search engine tuk carik words yg ujung bunyik samer...
kat maner??? ader ati nak tanyer aku... byk cantik nak makan suap sumer... carik sendirik... ehehehe
ok nanti kalu aku ader ingat2 aper2 tips yg bley share aku ckp okies...
tp lagi skali nak ckp... aku ni bukan professional... masih lagik tgh blaja...

contest duration :
SEASON 1 (1 March - 30 June 2009)
SEASON 2 (1 July - 31 October 2009)
ok ni baby contest laks.... nampak menarik...
pastu just amik gamba baby dan kena ader proof of purchase ayam brand/froots...
ayam brand tu aku pernah dgr... froots tu aper eh???
tp brg ayam brand bukan mahal ponnnn...
eh sardin ayam brand kan... smalam baru beli sardin... arap2 tak buang lagi receipt...
Monday, April 27, 2009
mAin gAmES mEnaNg HP
haaa tu link yg kalu korang men games bole menang hp...
aku dah menang 2 bijik... eh 3...
tp skang ni kalu korang tekan link tu ratus2 kali pon tak leh dah... ahahahaha
aku rasa tokei tu dah bankrup...
maybe at first diorg rasa bley making money...
kalu org nak men games kena beli point lar...
tp there were other options.... so for sure people will try to avoid paying kan...
adiah diorg pon lagi best... tp chances tu aku tgk kureng jer pasal aku tak pernah2 menang...
tu pasal aku hampehkan web tuh...
nanti kalu ingat link aku kasi...
tp buat maser skang ni aku tak ingat... i'm sorryyyy... ehehehe
haaa tu link yg kalu korang men games bole menang hp...
aku dah menang 2 bijik... eh 3...
tp skang ni kalu korang tekan link tu ratus2 kali pon tak leh dah... ahahahaha
aku rasa tokei tu dah bankrup...
maybe at first diorg rasa bley making money...
kalu org nak men games kena beli point lar...
tp there were other options.... so for sure people will try to avoid paying kan...
adiah diorg pon lagi best... tp chances tu aku tgk kureng jer pasal aku tak pernah2 menang...
tu pasal aku hampehkan web tuh...
nanti kalu ingat link aku kasi...
tp buat maser skang ni aku tak ingat... i'm sorryyyy... ehehehe

contest duration: 23 April 2009 - 13 May 2009
kay... first of course aku cuba carik contest yg adiah best tp aku tak yah bayar aper2 kan... ahahaha
this is one of them... men games jer...
tp contest camni mesti ramai yg masuk jadik chance pon little lar nak menang...
lg satu kalu contest games ni ader yg terer2 IT tu bole hack...
jgn tanyer aku camne... aku pon tak reti...
kalu aku reti pon takdenyer aku nak ajar... ahahahaha
tp ader lar kena jawab soklan sket... soklan kacang jerrrr...
pastu ader slogan... part ni aku suker... tp aku tak baper nak pandai...
tp pernah gaks aku mmg few contest tuk slogan.... takde lar teruk sgt aku part nih... ehehehe
okla rejeki masing2... jadik pree2 ni bole la aku men games sampai muntah...
gud luckkk.....
1st start
kay... aku ni tgh bosan... jadik aku ingat nak start berblogging gaks... ehehehe
pastu pasal aku suker masuk contest... jadik aku akan post pasal contest2 yg menarik kat sini...
tu pon kalu aku rajin dan ader maser lar... rasernyer dah lamer dah aku tak bercontest...
aku nak tgk baper ari blog ni bole idup... ehehehe
okies let see...
tu pon kalu aku rajin dan ader maser lar... rasernyer dah lamer dah aku tak bercontest...
aku nak tgk baper ari blog ni bole idup... ehehehe
okies let see...
tompang sini benda alah ni japs

test test... ehehehe
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