Winning Slogan/Tiebreaker
CLICK HERE for interesting contests... i dunno whether it's interesting enuff for u...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


here i translate my previous post in English just in case some of the visitors don’t understand malay ok...
coz i saw some of those visitors from US.. Romania...turkey...
kalu korang2 tu paham abaikan jer okies...
so before other guys start cursing me... let me translate that post into universal language ok...

here i would like to share few tips for winning slogan...
i’m not a professional so if these tips don’t help u much, don’t point your finger at me ok...

1. first of course it has to sound nice.. pleasant... lovely... if you yourself have no guts to listen to it... how do you expect others??? Of course yours will end up in the waste bin....
Try to listen to it lots2 of times till it sounds nice to your ears...
But make sure your ears have a good taste... it’s no used if you said it sounds good but other people feels like making a suicide... so what’s important here don’t be too overconfident or too vain...

2. Three important elements;
i. brand name
ii. products/services
iii. prize

be as creative as you can with these 3 elements... if you can’t include them all... try to include two of those... if still cannot... you can add one element... but do remember here... we want ours to stand out from others...
Ok for example for the product... it doesn't have to be exactly the name of the product... maybe for cars you can use other words like ‘drive’... of if the winning prize is holiday to somewhere... you can use 'fly'...
make sure don’t use unpleasant or ghastly words.... be commonsensical....
I remember i found one website which listed down all the related words to products/services... but sorry can’t memorize the link... it’s been a long time since i last join the contest.... but sure you can find it through search engine..... if there’s a will there’s a way rite...

additional tips;
for a lovely sound slogan... sure it has to be rhythmatic (do we have this words?? ahahaha)
or the phrases should have similar sound for the last words...
for english... there are search engines to find the words with similar rhyme...
don’t ask me where... find it yourself... don’t expect me to spoonfeed everything... ehehehe

ok.. if i remember other tips that i can share surely i’ll post it here...
but once again i would like to emphasize here that i’m not a professional... still learning oso..

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